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October 4, 2024

Set Your Sights on a Confident Start to the School Year

As the school year approaches, ensuring your child’s vision is in top shape is essential for their academic success and overall well-being. As we enter National Eye Exam Month, it’s a good reminder that regular vision checks are important for the entire family to catch any potential issues early, especially for children.

Children may find it hard to express themselves when experiencing vision issues, while most adults can gauge when their vision is not up to par.

Here are signs parents and caregivers can watch for:

Snake Safety: What You Need to Know

August and September are peak birthing times for many snakes in the U.S., so they may be more plentiful as you continue to enjoy your outdoor activities. Understanding general snake behavior, recognizing potential dangers, and learning safety and first-aid information can help you and your family enjoy your extended outdoor time as you close out the hotter months of summer and welcome the coolness of fall.

Saying Goodbye to Summer

For some families, August signifies the “last hurrah” before the onset of fall. Trying to milk every last drop of summer out of August shouldn’t be exhausting – that’s no way to recharge before the new school year! It also doesn’t have to be expensive. Whether it’s a discounted trip to a theme park or a local event outdoors, there are plenty of ideas that will whittle away the remaining August weeks:

Upcoming Webinars and Financial Planning Sessions September 2024

Here’s a look at the details for the webinars offered by our vendor partners.

Upcoming Webinars and Financial Planning Sessions September 2024

Here’s a look at the details for the webinars and financial sessions offered by our vendor partner in September.


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