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Allergies and Asthma Awareness


The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has declared May National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month since 1984. Sufferers often experience their worst symptoms with the seasonal changes of spring and summer, so it’s a good time to educate loved ones. Here are a few important facts:

  • Asthma causes inflammation and swelling of the airways and is one of the most common – and costliest – diseases in the U.S.
  • Asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing. Some sufferers also experience a tightening in the chest, or even chest pain.
  • Allergens such as dust, food or pets are common asthma triggers.
  • There is currently no cure for asthma, but treatments can enhance quality of life. Without treatment or precautions, asthma can be deadly.

While allergies and asthma often go hand in hand, one can suffer from allergies without having asthma. According to the Mayo Clinic, we experience an allergic response when our immune system antibodies treat a harmless substance, like a type of pollen, as an invader. The antibodies bind to the “intruder” as a protective measure, releasing chemicals that cause our allergy symptoms.

You can unexpectedly develop allergies later in life. If you develop symptoms and need help controlling them, take advantage of your Transocean UHC medical and prescription drug benefits and Telehealth visits to find out what your doctor can do to give you some much-needed relief.

Tips for controlling allergies and asthma

If you have allergic asthma, there are any number of medications and treatments your doctor may prescribe. But there are also a number of things you can do to proactively avoid breathing allergens, which can set off an allergy or asthma attack. Here are a few:

  • Stay indoors when pollen counts are high. Try to keep the windows closed and if it’s hot, make sure to use an air conditioner with a clean air filter and avoid using an evaporative cooler.
  • Avoid dust mites. These tiny, microscopic creatures live in fabrics and carpets—even bedding and pillows, so be sure to clean your sheets and bed covers at least once a week and consider wrapping your pillows, mattress, and box spring in allergen-proof covers. If you’re able, vacuum every few days or even replace carpets with tile or other forms of flooring where dust won’t gather and that are easily cleaned.
  • Keep pet allergies in check. If you have pets, take the time to get tested to find out if they’re causing part of your problem. If you  are allergic to pet dander, keep pets out of rooms you frequent, such as your bedroom. And remember – even if you’re not allergic to pet dander but react to pollen, pets can bring pollen indoors with them.
  • Control indoor humidity. Invest in an inexpensive meter that can help you monitor humidity in your home. If it gets above 40%, use a dehumidifier or increase the air conditioner to dry out the air and slow the growth of molds, cockroaches, and house dust mites. You can also run the exhaust fan when you cook or take a shower to lower the humidity in a room. Finally, if you have plumbing or roof leaks, call a plumber or professional to repair the leak immediately.
  • Maintain a clean, dry kitchen and bathroom. This will prevent mold and problems with cockroaches, which many individuals are allergic to. Be sure to clean up all sources of food in your home, including small crumbs in the carpet and oil residue near the stove.
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