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Easy Holiday Health Strategies


Our normal health routines often take a vacation during the holidays, even if it’s unintentional. Instead of stressing about trying to find time to fit in your usual fitness routine, incorporate simple steps that will keep you feeling healthy, but also allow you to enjoy some holiday treats and the social season. By doing some small things to take care of yourself, you will have an easier time returning to your normal routine in 2023. Here are a few considerations:

  • Drink plenty of water to help you feel full to avoid overeating, and aid in digestion when you do. Water also prevents dehydration and can minimize the adverse effects of drinking alcohol.
  • Stand (instead of sitting), whenever it’s possible and practical.
  • Choose to walk and park farther away from store entrances when shopping and consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Research shows that we’re more likely to overeat and make unhealthy food choices when we’re tired. Doctors recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Carve out some time just for you. Make time for Epsom salt baths, yoga, meditation, reading, and five minutes of deep breathing on even the most hectic of days.
  • Take a smaller plate for holiday eating if you have that option or eat half of what you normally would at social gatherings.

Finally, if all you have is 10 minutes to exercise, use it! Look for effective and simple wall or other strengthening exercises that you can incorporate into a busy holiday routine, even if you are away from home.

Remember, a few steps to continue your path to health are better than no steps—and you’ll step into the New Year even just a little lighter.

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