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Your Benefits at Work: Shape Up in 2022


A new year brings the possibility of change and developing new and positive lifestyle habits. The call to action for turning over a new leaf has never been greater. Consider these statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • More than 40 percent of American adults age 20 and older are obese. That’s nearly half the US population!
  • An estimated 70 percent—which includes those who are considered medically obese—are considered overweight.
  • More than 20 percent of all children ages 6 to 19 are considered to be in the obese category, and this number is increasing at an alarming rate.

Fortunately, obesity can be reversed with some gradual, simple lifestyle changes and lots of support along the way. January is both Family Fit Lifestyle Month and Shape Up US Month. The Shape Up US campaign shines a spotlight on the risks of childhood obesity and emphasizes the importance of making healthier lifestyle choices, which ultimately reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. And Family Fit Lifestyle Month focuses on educating families on how to get and stay active and healthy together so that they have a greater chance of heading off serious health issues that can be costly to treat.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits Start Early—and at Home

Getting started with new, healthy habits can be difficult. But you don’t have to train for a marathon to get health benefits—and you don’t have to do it alone. Here are some ways to take baby steps toward developing better health habits for you and your family:

  • Spend time moving every day. There are lots of ways to be active that are fun and help increase your heart rate. Walk your kids to and from school, play with them in the yard, or turn on some music and dance in your kitchen together while you’re making dinner. Instead of driving around looking for the closest parking spot when you’re out shopping, consider parking farther from the door to get in a few more steps each day.
  • Stock up on fruits and vegetables. Aside from providing lots of vitamins and antioxidants, eating vegetables helps you eliminate less nutritious foods and substitute them with healthy ones. Try the “rainbow challenge” in your household, eating as many different colors of fruits and veggies as you can. Or try new ways of preparing vegetables, such as roasting or grilling.
  • Work more water into your day. Substitute sodas for water, low-fat milk, or limited quantities of juice. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, which is directly related to brain health and cognitive functioning, helps prevent and treat headaches, relieves constipation, and boosts your metabolism for fat-burning and weight loss.
  • Limit screen time. Shut off the televisions and limit time on computers, mobile and handheld devices, and video game consoles to two hours a day. This frees up time for more physical activity and contributes to weight loss, since many of us tend to snack and eat more when we’re glued to a screen—simply out of habit.

Need a nudge to get started? If you are enrolled in the Transocean medical plan, check out the Rally app, designed to help you make changes to your daily routine, set smart goals, and track your progress. You can begin your journey with Rally’s quick health survey to assess your overall health. From there, you’ll receive personalized recommendations for activities to improve your diet, fitness, and mood. You can start slow and easy, then level up when you’re ready.  

Whenever you take a healthy action, such as joining a health mission, pushing yourself in a Rally challenge, or completing a healthy activity, you earn Rally Coins that can be used for chances to win rewards.

Sign up and download the Rally app here.

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