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May Move Out! An Outdoor Twist on Fitness


Now that the colder months are largely a memory, breathe some new life into your usual fitness regimen by moving it outdoors. Just as spring infuses new life into nature, it can also rejuvenate how you approach your physical activities. Whether you’re more of a low-impact fitness warrior or an adrenaline junkie, here are some new takes on common fitness activities that should put a new “spring” in your step!

  • Trailblazer. If you incorporate neighborhood walks into your fitness routine, level up occasionally by hitting the trails. In addition to neighborhood park trails, venture out and explore some of the hiking trails in state and national parks, or other popular recreational areas. If you have a canine partner check for dog-friendly trails and leash requirements; you’ll both appreciate the change of scenery and terrain in a setting that makes exercising fun!
  • Nature’s cross-training. Let nature be your gym by allowing geographical attributes influence your activities. If you have easy access to water, work your muscle groups by swimming or rowing. Rocky outcroppings might invite you to learn the basics of rock climbing, while urban areas might grant you a tennis, basketball, or pickleball court not far from home or work. Varying your activities allows muscle groups to take turns resting, which can reduce your injury risks.
  • Organized sports. Soccer isn’t just for kids; many community organizations offer adult leagues, with some also organized according to experience level. City information offices can often provide you with sports and recreation opportunities and many faith organizations – and some businesses – also have leagues for various sports teams.
  • Martial arts. Tai Chi, Aikido, Taekwondo … a public park or beach provides a serene backdrop for these timeless disciplines. Go solo, with a friend, or if you’re already in a class, propose a change of scenery as an option.
  • Yoga muses. Dogs, flamingos, cobras, rabbits … many common yoga poses are inspired by animals, so why not mix up your usual yoga sessions with some of those animal muses? Check your health centers, gyms, and community bulletin boards for outdoor yoga sessions with animals. Some commonly available options include yoga with dogs, cats, goats, and even chickens.
  • The spring cycle. Trade your indoor stationary bike time for one built for roads, trails, or even the beach. Start with your local bike shop to see what they offer for rentals, and for information on riding groups in your neighborhood – it’s a great way to “try before you buy.” You can even grab a partner and double your fun with a tandem bike ride.

Remember, we are more inclined to stick with activities we enjoy, so soliciting Mother Nature as our fitness partner can improve our chances of long-term fitness success.

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