Gut health is a hot topic in wellness, with shelves full of products promising benefits. But what exactly is the gut microbiome, and why does it matter?
The concept of “pay it forward” is that kindness is contagious, but did you know that even small, selfless acts can improve your own mental well-being? Research supports that giving back — whether through volunteering, donating, or finding other ways to brighten someone’s day — can reduce stress, boost happiness, and even improve physical health.
February is American Heart Month, and an important component of heart health is cardio fitness. Cardio fitness refers to how well your heart, lungs, muscles, and blood vessels work together to fuel your body with oxygen and energy during physical activity. When your heart and lungs are in good shape, they can handle everyday activities like climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or just being active without making you feel exhausted.
For many of us, this is a season of abundance: Various holidays, food and drink, décor, festive gatherings—and stress. Why are the holidays stressful for so many?
Our brains control every aspect of our daily functions, from memory and decision making, to our creative processes and emotions. Keeping it healthy and improving our mental acuity – our mind’s sharpness or intelligence – makes for good health, and good sense.
As the school year approaches, ensuring your child’s vision is in top shape is essential for their academic success and overall well-being. As we enter National Eye Exam Month, it’s a good reminder that regular vision checks are important for the entire family to catch any potential issues early, especially for children.
Children may find it hard to express themselves when experiencing vision issues, while most adults can gauge when their vision is not up to par.
Here are signs parents and caregivers can watch for:
Now that the colder months are largely a memory, breathe some new life into your usual fitness regimen by moving it outdoors. Just as spring infuses new life into nature, it can also rejuvenate how you approach your physical activities. Whether you’re more of a low-impact fitness warrior or an adrenaline junkie, here are some new takes on common fitness activities that should put a new “spring” in your step!
Do you have back, joint, or muscle pain? If so, check out one of Transocean’s newest benefit offerings for Transocean Medical Plan participants, Hinge Health.
Watery, itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, and sneezing fits … if these tell-tale signs of spring allergies seem worse this year than in years past, it may not be your imagination.
Tooth talk! February isn't just about hearts; it's also Children's Dental Health Month. Ever wonder if your kid is ready for an electric toothbrush or why children's toothpaste tastes so fruity? Discover the answers and learn the best dental practices to ensure your little one's smile stays bright and healthy.
Did you know that what's on your plate could be affecting your heart? Since February is American Heart Month, it's the perfect time to explore how certain foods might be inviting unwanted inflammation into your body. Understanding the difference between acute and chronic inflammation could be the key to better heart health and less joint pain.
Back-to-back months of holiday festivities have many of us deviating from our normal dietary and exercise habits. Coming down from the frenzied pace of attending numerous events and the exhaustion of shopping can leave many of us feeling “not quite right” even after things settle down.
If you’re experiencing a feeling of malaise, want to get back on track with healthy habits, or start anew with fresh goals, the new year can provide an ideal launch point for a healthy reset. By combining a few goal-setting tips with your Transocean Real Appeal lifestyle and weight management program, you’re setting yourself up for reset success.
November doesn’t just bring cooler weather and shorter days; it also brings bountiful harvests of various produce, many of which are suitable for canning. Canned foods are a convenient and affordable way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet and can be just as nutritious as fresh and frozen foods because canning preserves many nutrients.
Diabetes has become so prevalent in this country that everyone seems to know someone who lives with the disease – or they have it themselves. That’s because over 37 million Americans of various ages live with diabetes – and according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that’s the highest number we’ve seen thus far.
Transitioning from carefree summer days to early morning routines can be challenging for kids of any age. Taking some concrete steps now can help make the back-to-school transition easier for your entire household.
Summer vacations allow us to cast off the constraints of work and take a break from our many obligations. It can also lead to food temptations that we’ve disciplined ourselves against at home or disrupt our usual exercise routines.
Summer is in full swing, and for most of us that means plenty of sun with accompanying doses of saltwater and chlorine. It can also mean more topical allergies from plants and insects, including some new species you may encounter outdoors or on vacation.
June is Employee Wellness Month, and Transocean is committed to providing you with the tools and resources for managing your physical, financial, social, and emotional wellness.
April also happens to be the American Heart Association’s “Move More Month” to motivate and encourage people to incorporate more movement and less sitting into their days, enhancing both physical and mental health. They also offer on-demand videos of varying lengths on their website so you can easily fit some movement (and meditation) into your day on breaks, over your lunch hour, or before or after work.
It’s National Garden Month, which “celebrates the great American tradition of gardening at home, at school and in the community,” according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A vegetable garden is a great way to have some control over your food supply, eat healthier, and save time and money by reducing trips to the grocery store. It may surprise you, however, that the benefits of your garden – or gardens – extend far beyond your household.
As spring clears away the dreariness of winter, many of us get the urge to add some extra elbow grease to our usual house cleaning chores. The purging and scrubbing might be good for our mental health, but did you know that how you clean your home can also have an impact on your physical health?
You may have heard about this month’s “Movember” movement—the month-long period in which men grow a mustache—but how much do you really know about this cause? This November promotion is simply an attention-getting approach to raise awareness around health challenges men face.
The back-to-school season is full of lists, from school supplies to clothes to lunch box items. There may also be health-related items on your list, particularly if your child is just starting school or will be involved in sports.
August also happens to be National Wellness Month, which promotes a focus on stress management and self-care—terms we’ve heard a lot over the past two years. What does self-care mean, and are the benefits backed by science?
If you’ve ever suffered a backache, you know it often feels like the pain extends to your entire body. In some ways, this is true because having a healthy back is essential to your overall health. Poor posture, for example, can restrict blood flow. Muscles in your back help your breathing, and upper back pain can lead to headaches.
Many forecasters predicted a hotter and drier than normal summer for much of the U.S. this year, and many of us are now experiencing record heat. It’s a good time to revisit basic hot weather tips, such as limiting our outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day, seeking shade whenever possible, and increasing our water intake.
Sleep challenges are probably one of the least talked-about issues these days, yet they are widespread and cause a significant number of health issues. One reason the topic doesn’t get a lot of air time is because it can take years before someone begins to suffer from sleep-related health problems. There are a number of problems related to sleep, and many of them are serious.
Now that summer is here, local farmers’ markets are loaded up with freshly picked fruits and vegetables, and grocery stores display a wide variety of seasonal favorites. June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month, providing you with the perfect incentive to consciously add more of your family’s favorites to your meals—and try a few new ones.
When life gets uncomfortable or downright surreal, it’s natural to look for a cozy space of security. And, nothing says security like a big bowl of mac and cheese or a heaping scoop of ice cream with sprinkles. After several weeks of stay-at-home quarantine, what seemed like short-lived security begins to live a lot longer on your hips, waist, and tummy. Because Covid-19 may be a factor in everyday life for a while, it’s time to start finding ways to blend comfort and good health into delicious meals.
This year, you have two great options to get moving and eat better — Real Appeal and Rally. Both programs are FREE to you, your spouse, and anyone 18 years or older covered under your Transocean-sponsored plan. And they’re both available to help you set and achieve fitness, healthy eating, and weight-loss goals in 2019. Here’s a little guide to help you decide which plan is right for you.
Spring is a great time to focus on the importance of making good food choices and developing better eating habits. With so many new diet programs and conflicting reports on what’s healthy and what’s not, where do you begin?
A great way to assess your health risks is through a preventive care visit with your doctor. It’s free to you each year, covered under your Transocean sponsored plan, and includes a standard physical, blood work and lab tests, well women visit, and any needed age-related or annual immunizations.
Each March, the U.S.celebrates National Nutrition Month — a relatively quiet event lacking costumes or cards, or even a dedicated tree. Nonetheless, March is an excellent time to take a moment and make a conscious choice to eat healthier. Consider it your New Year’s resolution redo.
In addition to getting and staying healthy, we’ve heard from many employees that saving money on health care is important. You may be surprised that improving your fitness and nutrition can also improve your finances. The obvious savings are around having fewer sick care doctor’s visits and possibly taking fewer medications. But there are even more ways to save, like:
As you start getting healthy, it’s a good idea to check your budget month-over-month to see how much you’ve been saving.
19 November is the Great American Smokeout®, a day designated for people across the country to make a commitment to quit smoking.
This time of year is also a good time for many families to head out for a little spring break vacation. And, whether we like it or not, sometimes travel includes accidents and illness. But, with Virtual Visits and myNurseLine, help is just a phone call away.
The new year is a perfect time to clear the decks and plan for any changes you want to make in your life in the months ahead. That’s all easier said than done.
It may seem crazy, but the health of your teeth and gums can have a direct impact on your heart health.
Last December we launched Real Appeal, your FREE weight loss program designed specifically to help make it easier for you to achieve your fitness, healthy eating, and weight-loss goals. Real Appeal is also available at no cost to your spouse, or anyone 18 years or older covered under your Transocean-sponsored plan.
At Transocean, we know good health is essential.
Many stores, restaurants, and personal services will begin to open in the coming weeks and months. As they do, they’re each altering how they do business to follow local guidelines. However, it’s still up to you to be sure you stay safe and are comfortable with any risks you’ll be taking as you venture out.
With so many smartphone apps available at our fingertips, keeping track of your health has gotten easier—from prescription discount tools to exercise trackers to vital sign monitors. One new mobile health option, Sanvello, supports your mental health –24/7, 365 days a year.
Easy At-Home Workouts & Self Care
When most of the world is staying at home to stay safe, it’s easy to let go of all routine and relax – maybe curl up on the sofa and binge-watch a Netflix series or three. But staying at home doesn’t mean you can’t stay fit or that you can’t take care of your mental wellbeing.
Welcome to My Journey, Transocean’s quarterly wellness newsletter. Each quarter we’ll source a few relevant health and wellness tips to help keep you on your journey to getting and staying healthy in the coming year, and beyond. And, to make it easy, we’ll send the tips right to your inbox — no need to remember websites, links, or timing.
If you’re ready to join nearly 20 million Americans this month by committing to quit smoking, then it’s important to get some help.
Now that you know the heart disease basics, we want to be sure you’re aware of a benefit designed to help you make your heart-healthy journey is a fun one.
UHC Rally is another FREE resource covered under your Transocean sponsored plan that can help you make changes to your daily routine, set smart goals and track your progress along the way. It’s not just about weight loss, it’s about making iteasier for you to live an overall healthy lifestyle.
Get answers from the Transocean Benefits Center by logging into your account and selecting Need Help Now, or by telephone at 1 855 RIG 5005 or +1 646 259 0401.