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Men's Health Month-Take Control of Your Health Journey


Men's Health Month-Take Control of Your Health Journey

June is Men's Health Month. Good health is important for both men and women, yet men are less likely to visit their health care practitioner, doing so largely only when they are unwell. In fact, according to the CDC, women are 33% more likely to visit the doctor than men and are overall much better at tending to their preventative screenings than men are.

Unfortunately, on average men don't live as long as women. While there may be several contributing factors for this, grabbing control of your health with preventative care is the first step. Health care providers can often detect potential issues early, making treatment more effective and less invasive. For example, heart disease, a common issue among men, can often be managed with early detection or possibly prevented with lifestyle changes.

Easy First Step: Annual Checkups

A checkup provides a comprehensive view of your health status. These visits allow health care practitioners to monitor vital signs, conduct necessary or age-appropriate screenings, and deliver advice and care tailored to your health profile.

Research indicates that men often cite a fear of receiving “bad news” as one reason to avoid preventative visits. The other top reason cited was “being too busy.” However, early detection of conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol can prevent severe complications, leading to better news – and more time – later on.

It’s important to be forthcoming with your doctor about all concerns; for example, many sexual health problems are not only treatable, but can also signal a more serious health issue such as diabetes.

Fortunately, annual checkups are 100% covered for employees and their eligible dependents enrolled in a Transocean Medical Plan, along with a telemedicine consult or using the 24/7 Nurseline to help answer questions. These early contacts can help ease the transition to a more comprehensive in-person checkup and set the stage for ongoing annual visits.

Health Tips for Where You Are In Your Journey

General health tips apply to both men and women, such as maintaining a balanced diet that limits saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods; getting regular exercise; not smoking; limiting alcohol intake; managing stress; and getting sufficient sleep.

There are also specific actions men can take at various stages in their lives that can forge lifelong healthy habits.

  • 20s – Establish a relationship with a primary care doctor. Be sure to alert your physician of any family diseases such as heart disease or diabetes so they can tailor your preventative measures. Pay attention to your mental health and physical fitness and avoid risky behaviors.
  • 30s – Your metabolism may start to slow down in your 30s, so now may be time to pay attention to weight management. Get regular blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar level screenings, and keep the dialogue open with your health care provider on mental health and stress management.
  • 40s – This decade often brings increased responsibilities and with them, increased stress that can negatively impact health. Keep getting regular screenings for heart disease and diabetes and add in screenings for prostate health. Maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically and mentally active may help prevent some chronic ailments and diseases.
  • 50s and Older – Regular screenings become even more critical in your 50s and above. This doesn’t mean you should anticipate “bad news,” but instead, control what you can to help prevent it. Staying on top of prostate and heart health is important at this stage, and you should also expect colonoscopies to screen for colorectal cancer, bone density tests for osteoporosis, and regular eye exams.
A Problem is Detected – Now What?

Whether it’s waning vision, weight control, or arthritis, few of us go through decades without experiencing some health issue. In most cases, the earlier any issue is detected, the better the chances of a positive health outcome.

Having available resources to help you is an essential asset in your health toolbox, so keep in mind that your Transocean benefits can help support you with tips for a healthier lifestyle: weight loss with Real Appeal, exercise therapy through Hinge Health, and substance abuse and mental health issues. And, should you receive a concerning diagnosis, you have access to a second opinion through 2nd.MD.

Put Your Health in First Gear

Men’s Health Month is an ideal time to begin taking charge of your health through regular health care visits to get on the road to a longer, healthier life. Adopting healthy habits, participating in preventative health programs, and early detection of potential issues allow for more effective treatment and management now to keep you enjoying life for as long as possible.

Remember, taking control of your health early builds an investment that pays lifelong dividends, and checkups are a cornerstone of maintaining this valuable asset. Start tending to that investment before a problem arises and take control of your health.

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