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Step Into Summer Fitness


Achieving Fitness Goals with Fewer Steps

If you have long heard that your walking goal should be 10,000 steps a day, you’re not alone. The popular benchmark was considered a golden standard of daily activity, when in fact it was created as a Japanese marketing campaign to sell step counters. Nonetheless, it was embraced by fitness enthusiasts and health professionals around the world and millions of us strapped on our pedometers (and later our smartwatches) to monitor whether we could reach that five-mile mark to reduce our risk of heart disease, improve our mental health, and help manage weight.

Now, medical experts are saying that you can achieve the same benefits in fewer steps. In fact, a 2021 study found that the benefits plateaued, or reached a maximum benefit, at about 7,500 steps.

Less pressure for our fitness goals is good news! But, taking those 7,500 steps – roughly 3.5 miles – can still seem daunting when you must balance work and family life, particularly in the heat of summer. We know we’re supposed to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park further away from the grocery store entrance, but here are some additional ideas that can help you step your way into fitness even when the heat is dialed up:

Tips to Achieve Your Step Goals

  1. The “6/60” Exercise Plan. This exercise plan is an ideal low-exertion, easy-to-follow strategy that promotes daily movement, even in challenging environments. The idea is simple: Every 60 minutes, take a 6-minute walk. This method helps you reach your step goal while breaking up long periods of sitting to benefit overall health. It’s easily adaptable at work, home, or while traveling.
  2. Neighborhood Meetups. Walking alone can provide beneficial meditative time, while walking with others can make the time pass more quickly and feel less like work and more like fun. It can also be a great motivator and keep participants accountable. Begin by organizing or joining a neighborhood walking group to combine social interaction with physical activity.
  3. Golf. The game of golf might be “a good walk spoiled,” but it also offers an excellent way to get your steps in. Even with a cart you’ll likely find yourself adding a significant number of steps to your daily total. Golf is well-suited to all ability levels and ages.
  4. Following Fido. If you have a dog, you have a built-in walking buddy. In addition to the exercise, your dog will appreciate spending time with you while expanding his view of the world. If dog ownership isn’t in the cards, consider dog walking as a side hustle; vacationing neighbors may appreciate the summertime help with their furry family member. Local shelters also often need volunteers to give pups a much-needed reprieve from their kennels. In addition to exercise it helps dogs socialize so they have a better chance of getting adopted – all while helping you with your fitness goals.
  5. Work “Walk and Talks.” If your work week is filled with meetings, consider taking some of those outdoors for “walk and talks.” You can watch those steps accumulate and get an enjoyable cardiovascular workout while you're working. Added bonus: Research demonstrates that walking can stimulate creativity and enhance productivity.

Still not sure where to start? Real Appeal has great exercise plans that can help you start moving. Remember, you are more likely to reach your fitness goals if you are having fun and not stressing about finding the time to fit in your steps, regardless of how many you count in a day. The keys are consistency and finding enjoyable ways to integrate movement into your busy daily life. Try some of these tips to maximize your health and fitness goals year-round.

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