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Why a Healthy Mindset is the Best Gift to Yourself – and Others


We associate joy and anticipation with the holidays, but realistically, the many disruptions can also take a toll. For many it means breaks from healthy dietary, exercise and sleep routines. Others are plagued with time and finance concerns or experience physical and mental fatigue from family and holiday chaos.

Learning how to achieve and keep a healthy mindset can be an invisible but powerful and positive weapon – not just to get you through the rest of the holidays, but to carry over into a new year of better living.

What does “healthy mindset” mean?

A healthy mindset is a positive and healthy mental space, or reality, that you want to be in. Healthy practices such as mindful eating, exercise, spending adequate times outdoors, and getting plenty of sleep are part of it, but it’s easy to see how the holidays can disrupt many or all those habits. Instead of depriving yourself of memorable events with friends and families, try to incorporate other tactics to create a healthy holiday reality for you.

  • Guilt-free holiday dining. Enjoying traditional holiday favorites is often at the top of our lists. The nostalgia that often accompanies meals with loved ones can provide comfort and pleasant memories. Not everyone wants to police themselves drastically when it comes to enjoying long-standing food favorites, so instead, try adding in more of what’s good for you. Plenty of tasty holiday foods are good for your mood and immune system, like garlic and blueberries. Mushrooms offer many health benefits and are high in fiber.
  • Extend kindness to yourself. With so much emphasis on giving to others during the holidays, it can be easy to overlook the importance of self-compassion. Extend yourself some grace if you can’t afford the same level of gifts as in years past, or if you are too tired to attend some holiday events. There is nothing wrong with being realistic about your capacity and capabilities. You don’t do yourself any favors by being hard on yourself, and a reminder that everyone makes mistakes – including you – can also build compassion for others.
  • Take time to listen to yourself. Meditation is a great way to do this, but you can also do it any time throughout the day. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with the many things on your lists, shift your focus to the one thing you are doing at that moment. Incorporate gratitude into your thoughts, even for the smallest or simplest of things.
  • Practice positivity. Everyone has negative thoughts; it’s dwelling on them that can lead to an unhealthy mindset. An optimistic mindset is key to positive outcomes.

A healthy mindset provides a healthy direction for how we live. Understanding and practicing steps to create one is a gift that will last far beyond this holiday season and will be welcomed by others around you.

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