When life gets uncomfortable or downright surreal, it’s natural to look for a cozy space of security. And, nothing says security like a big bowl of mac and cheese or a heaping scoop of ice cream with sprinkles. After several weeks of stay-at-home quarantine, what seemed like short-lived security begins to live a lot longer on your hips, waist, and tummy. Because Covid-19 may be a factor in everyday life for a while, it’s time to start finding ways to blend comfort and good health into delicious meals.
This year, you have two great options to get moving and eat better — Real Appeal and Rally. Both programs are FREE to you, your spouse, and anyone 18 years or older covered under your Transocean-sponsored plan. And they’re both available to help you set and achieve fitness, healthy eating, and weight-loss goals in 2019. Here’s a little guide to help you decide which plan is right for you.
Get answers from the Transocean Benefits Center by logging into your account and selecting Need Help Now, or by telephone at 1 855 RIG 5005 or +1 646 259 0401.