Charting A Path to Prevention: Fidelity Financial Advisors
When you make a big purchase or life-changing move, like buying a house or having a baby, you probably look to professionals for some advice. That information not only gives you peace of mind and prepares you to take action it may also help you avoid making costly mistakes.
So, when it comes to your retirement, why wouldn’t you do the same? If you haven’t considered getting some professional financial advice to plan for retirement, now may be a good time to start. At Transocean, we’ve made it easier for you by giving you easy access to Fidelity financial advisors. And what's even better, whether you visit them in a local retail location or via phone, Fidelity Financial Advisors are free of charge for participants in the Transocean plan.
Here’s how they can help:
- More Than Money — Building a relationship with a financial planner is not just about dollars and cents. They can help guide you to create a future plan or retirement vision and understand how much you’ll need to save now to get there. And, they can help keep you on track to adjust your savings as your plans change over the years.
- The Big Picture — Having a financial planner can help you getup above the day-to-day view of your finances for a more holistic view of your saving and spending. They’ll help you consider long-term goals like retirement, short-term ones like buying a house, and even look across your finances to help plan for things like health care, education, and charitable giving. This way, you plan for these expenses up front instead of trying to borrow from your savings to cover them in the future
- Regular Checkups — Like a doctor, a financial planner will check in with you at least once each year to be sure there aren’t any changes that could keep you from reaching your goals. They’ll work with you to set times to reassess your plans and savings so you can course correct early rather than years down the road, when it may be too late.
If you’re still not convinced, check out this article from Fidelity on Why Work with a Financial Advisor for more ways they can help you chart a path forward.
Learn More
If you’re ready to get some professional help planning your financial future, contact a Fidelity Financial Planner at +1 800 835 5098 or visit

Knowing our biometric screening numbers is a great way to get and stay healthy. So, in July we’ll be kicking off a little healthy competition for completing the screening process. Whether you work in an office or on a Rig, each employee who completes their screening will be entered into a grand prize drawing. Additional prizes will be awarded for the highest Rig participation. Prizes and start date will be announced in July, so watch THE CURRENT or return to My Journey for more details.